This story is over 5 years old.

Internet Videos Of Particular Importance

Watch The Wire's Detective Jimmy McNulty Go Hard on SBTV

Dominic West doesn't exactly boss the studio

If gritty crime dramas were ranked on their contributions to rap music, then Midsomer Murders would come rock bottom, Top Boy would be a runner up for its fresh soundtrack, and The Wire would rock in at number one comfortably.

For a start, it starred Method Man as the hilariously named Cheese Wagstaff. Then we had Stringer Bell aka Idris Elba aka "King Driis" spawn a sub-acting side project in hip-hop (he even reviewed the singles one week for Noisey). Now Dominic West, who plays Detective Jimmy McNulty, has popped up on SBTV laying down a chorus for three aspiring rappers from Nottingham.

Last week, Johnny Depp made a massive thing about actors trying to do music - he labelled it as "sickening" - and, in fairness, Dominic West doesn't exactly boss the studio like a young Drizzy jostling for the mic, and a girl in the background may cup her hands to hide laughter at one point. However this appearance is to help promote the forthcoming independent film Guillemot which was shot by and stars kids from the St Ann's estate in Nottingham, and actually sounds pretty legit.

So, Johnny Depp, I hope that makes you feel like a right shitbag.

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