This story is over 5 years old.


PREMIERE: Kid Wave - "All I Want"

Kid Wave are basically London's newest exponents of youthful, sun-drenched guitar lilts.

You can tell a lot about a band by who’s got their back. We don’t mean Brooklynites and members of DIIV ruminating over Perfect Pussy getting yet another #BNM on Pitchfork or T4 presenters taking selfies with members of Rudimental. We mean the ones you can trust.

Kid Wave – London's newest exponents of youthful, sun-drenched guitar lilts – have already been picked up by well-versed pysch stable Heavenly Records (home to TOY, Charlie Boyer and the Voyeurs, The Wytches and basically everyone else with a reverb pedal worth knowling) which means they're already kinda cemented as a band worth listening to. And if you can't believe their credentials then at least believe us when we say that the sound of their new track "All I Want" is like falling in love on the first day of your summer holiday when the possibilities seem endless. And if you don't believe us then believe yourself by clicking above and listening to it.