This story is over 5 years old.

New music

WTF?! Skrillex Has Released Something...Good

Die hard fans hate it, but we think it's sort of great.

Hear me out; I will be the first to admit I am a music snob who rarely gives Skrillex's tracks more than a 10 second listen, because by-and-large they've never really strayed from the ear-battering, bastardised grubstep, that's main aim is to have pilled up wankers waiting for that fucking drop.

But it seems Skrillex has turned a corner and is experimenting with a style of production, or at least going back to his roots according to discerning connoisseurs, that caters to an entirely less offensive breed of pilled up wankers. "Leaving", which looks like it's been put out pretty much without warning or any fanfare in the way of PR, is very Burial-esque in it's minimalism. But, like, so what? Yeah he's sponging up the likes of Burial, Four Tet and Zomby, but I'm really not mad if it's going to give us some sweet release from that brand of WUB WUB WUB WAAAAAB prolapse music he's become synonymous with.


A quick trawl through the YouTube comments shows his die hard fans aren't as happy:


"OMG! Skrillex are you now never ever doing any Dubstep, Brostep Tracks?! That Genre is simply called minimal for all these faggots."

"Still waiting for the drop."

"Missing the drop…"


Whatever it means for his future shit I just wanna say, Skrillex, if you wanna make two thousand time less offensive, laidback beats, then do you babez. Maybe there's more to the stupid-shaven one than I first harshly judged?