This story is over 5 years old.

Vice Blog


Dear Vice,
I found this little pamphlet, per most Christian jetsam, on an empty bus seat. Disregarding the whole clunky football motif they keep pushing (I'm guessing it was printed in Fall), check out the degree of specificity they go into in their apology-card instructions…

"Don't let the wrong things you've done interfere with other people. Go
for a complete pass this week and ask forgiveness for something you've
done wrong. You could make a card and sent it to that person. Fold a
piece of construction paper in half. On the outside, draw a picture of
a boat caught in a storm and write, 'Things are a little rough between
us.' On the inside, draw a boat on a calm lake. Write something like
this: 'Will you forgive me so we can have smooth sailing again?'"

I haven't checked the local LifeWay to see if this has already happened
yet, but how much you want to bet someone connected with Faithsteps
starts up a "handmade" line of  apology cards.
Baltimore, MD