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Another U.S Military Rape Prison

If you've ever seen an episode of Oz you'll know that American prison inmates love ass rape, a lot. But for some reason when the U.S went to export freedom and democracy to our heathen enemies, they assumed everyone else enjoyed being raped and abused...

If you've ever seen an episode of Oz you'll know that American prison inmates love ass rape, a lot. But for some reason when the U.S went to export freedom and democracy to our heathen enemies, they assumed everyone else enjoyed being raped and abused too. Just recently it was reported that a super secret wing at the U.S base at Bagram Airport in Afghanistan have been abusing inmates, sorry to ruin the party guys but just because one group of Muslims didn't enjoy being raped doesn't mean another group will. Let's take a look at some other famous military rape prisons.


Tor or "Black" Prison, Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan

According to a recent report by the BBC, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) had interviewed former detainees of the feared prison who all told similar accounts off being forced to stay awake for days, being severely beaten upon arrest and continued beatings occured whilst they were detained and relatives were kept in the dark over the whereabouts of their loved ones. All these suspected methods have been reported in other American Military prisons including everyones favourite tropical prison camp destination….

Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

If you're unlucky enough to be caught as a suspected terrorist in Iraq or Afghanistan, then Guantanamo is your likely destination. What's worse though is that you'll be classified as an 'enemy combatant' meaning you won't get the basic human rights afforded to you like normal prisoners, so expect the Geneva convention to be thrown out the window and get ready for extreme sexual abuse, water boarding, sleep deprivation, religious persecution, force feeding, being cut with glass and barbed wire, sprayed with pepper spray and being burnt with cigarettes. There have been hundreds of attempted suicides , four successful suicides and one suspected homicide. This place literally sounds like the worse place on earth, if I was one of the inmates I'd be praying really hard that I get 70 virgins when I die, really, really hard.

Abu Ghraib, Iraq

Everyone's heard of Abu Ghraib, mainly thanks to the family guy montage that depicts some off the nasty torture, but still, the reports of the excessive abuse shocked the world and made us wonder whether being ass raped was what Iraqis assumed as being normal in a democratic society, nope that's just if you've been naughty in a democratic society, that's one hell of an incentive against committing crimes. Anyway the stupid soldiers took photos off the abuse so everyone could see what fun they were having with their human slaves and their own private gay porno shows. Images depicted male detainees being raped by American soldiers, some as young as 15, female detainees being raped or forced to perform sexual acts on other prisoners, weird naked human pyramids, prisoners being dragged by their dicks, being pissed on, having phosphoric acid being poured on them and being rode like donkeys. At least one prisoner was murdered but a cover up was enacted and the killers were safe from prosecution.

Now the U.S military has always been under the impression that their military might and nuclear arsenal is what deters other nations for stoking up some beef, but their wrong, after everyone saw these photos and heard of the abuses they suddenly were filled with dread and panic bought shit loads of butt plugs, just in case the U.S thought you needed democracy in your country, Iran you better watch out and cover your asses.