Grown-ups Just Want to Have Fun


This story is over 5 years old.


Grown-ups Just Want to Have Fun

Photographer Anna Wester says they want to be like Peter Pan.

Three years ago, Swedish photographer Anna Wester spent a few months exploring moral depravity of young people. She travelled throughout Europe researching her subjects with a camera in cities such as Paris, Ibiza, Milano, Berlin, Geneva, Gothenburg and Stockholm. Although she initially was looking for young people, she "repeatedly found fully grown adults who through their looks and actions were behaving like kids", she says. This is a selection of some of the photos from her travels. She calls the project "Jag vill att du ska dö, Peter", which is Swedish and translates to "I want you to die, Peter". Anna says that "Peter" refers to Peter Pan and symbolises the concept of never wanting to grow up. "Peter Pan is the guy who never ages and who everyone everywhere in the world desperately is trying to get to and stay with: The eternal youth."
