This story is over 5 years old.


Why I'm not killing myself today - excellent monkey photo

I know we just told you about this awesome art show called ANIMALANIA

I know we just told you about this awesome art show called ANIMALANIA that Aliya Naumoff curated at Fuse Gallery to benefit the ASPCA (buy something!)—but it bears repeating because I went to it and HOLY SHIT look at this photo.

Wow! That chocolate-fudge-soda-drinkin' monkey's name is Minnie and she was part of a series called "Primate Portraits" that noted animal-lovin' photographer Robin Schwartz did in the early 90s. I fancy myself an animal photography connoisseur, so how I have never seen these before is super embarrassing to myself. If you go to her website you can see a ton more of these things to blow your mind, like, oh, this one:

Their names are Squeaky and Happy. I'm dying. I just bought the book of these photos on eBay (it's out of print) and I yearn to buy the big photo of Minnie at the gallery but it's expensive. Maybe you can afford it and give it to me as a present? All the money goes to animal charity so it's a good deed! Thanks!