This story is over 5 years old.


Noisey's Panel Show Makes a Great Escape!

This week's Noisey Talks was filmed in front of a live audience.

By the twist of fate that is the imminent summer festival season, this week's Noisey Talks was specially filmed in front of a live audience in Brighton at the Great Escape festival. Things went well, with regular panelist Fred from Spector turning host and explaining how pissing on fans backstage can be a useful measure of your own success.

He was joined by a panel of Jamie Reynolds (Klaxons), Jen Long (Radio 1) and Pete Jarrett (Record of the Day) to discuss how looking at bikini pics on Facebook is like scouring the charts for new music.

Watch it up in that player above, or head over to to watch it there. Or you can head over to the Noisey YouTube channel; don't forget to subscribe while you're there.

You can follow Noisey on Twitter at @Noisey_UK and like them on the Facebook page, too. If you're a fan of music, we highly recommend you do both of those things.