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Vice Blog

London - Voodoo Village

Our friends at Voodoo Village send us links that consistently make us question how in the wide world of sports they have time to find all this shit. Answer: they spend their entire lives in their rooms trawling through Google and YouTube looking for oddball stuff. It's less News of the Weird and more like News of the Nerd.

They post things like the whole back catalogue of Dario Argento, obscure Boredoms remixes, peculiar video clips, pop culture ephemera and curiosities from around the web. It's like if collegehumor or wherever were run by the type of people you'd like to hang out with, rather than overweight frat boys pushing their 30s. Anyway, we’re going to start doing a regular Voodoo Village round-up, bringing you the best of their forays around the information superhighway. Here’s the first…


Skate Witches Skate Witches is just one of the amazing Super-8 short films on Warts & All: The Films of Danny Plotnick.


Fantastic Planet Everyone should own a copy of La Planète Sauvage and a copy of the soundtrack by Alain Goraguer. The film is available to watch on YouTube, but I recommend you buy it so that you can fully appreciate it's awesomeness as the mushrooms slowly start to wear off.

John Hughes movie soundtracks

Don't you forget about them?

Fletcher Hank

What makes Fletcher Hank's work so interesting are the ways in which Stardust, his superhero, goes about punishing the bad guys. In one strip, Stardust transforms the enemy gang into rats and turns himself into a panther. He then chases the rats around the city and into the river where they all drown - apart from one remaining rat, whose head he transforms back to normal (so he's now a rat with a human head). He then flies rat man to the FBI. Sadly, not too much is known about Fletcher Hanks. He was never particularly successful with his work. Supposedly he was an abusive father as well as an alcoholic as well as generally more or less completely insane. In the 70s he was found frozen to death on a park bench in New York. Then last year Fantagraphics put out a collection of his work and the world went "Hummmm."

"No Nose" gets busted

He lost it in a gunshot accident.

Cunt Smasher

Our new Mayor This man is now in charge of London. Nice work, voters of London.