This story is over 5 years old.


I Was At Osama's Death Party

Rena Jett is a Spanish girl currently living in Washington D.C. She plays guitar in an all-girl Misfits covers band called The Miss Fits and is a semi-pro skateboarder. We woke up this morning to find out she'd just come back from the "Dead Osama Party" at the White House, so we did this brief interview with her. (Yeah, it's brief – look at her: of course she's super busy all the time.)

Vice: Hey Rena, how come you were in D.C?
Rena Jett: I came down from New York to visit my boyfriend. Right after Obama gave his speech, we took a cab to the White House. Cabs were hard to find due to the mass movement towards Señor Barack. The news was beaming from the radio and a palpable air of relief was wafting from both my Egyptian boyfriend and our Somalian cab driver.


What was it like when you got to the White House? You got there at the start, right?
Once we arrived, the scene very much resembled what I witnessed after 9/11 (I was in San Francisco during that time). There were people blasting Springsteen's “Born in the USA”, jocks screaming "AMERI-FUCKING- CA", then an array of multicultural 'American' people chanting the national anthem and random bursts of "U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!", “We killed him!" and “Freedom!”

What was the make-up of the crowd?
There were a lot of foreign students, quite a few African-Americans, a couple of Latinos and some very obvious Muslims who were making the Americans feel weird, but the majority were 100% white Americans. This could have been a football victory minus the beer. No one thought to bring a PA system so people communicated their joy and relief to each other by relentlessly blasting air horns. There was a big hoo-ha because someone decided to smoke a little bit of pot, and if you managed to battle your way to the White House front gates through all the people taking Facebook profile pictures, high-fiving and shouting 'YE-AH' at each other, there unsurprisingly wasn't much to see either.

Between the random chants, the waving of numerous American flags, the biggest commotion was when some drunk guy started climbing up a lamp post.

Sounds like it was a pretty joyous death party. I take it there were no niggling Nancys there showing everyone how similar the leaked "death" photo is to one of those you can find on the first page of Google image search?
Well, the smarter elements of the crowd did crack a few jokes about Obama's guaranteed success in the next election. First there was his zing-filled performance at the White House Correspondents dinner, and now he’s killed the leader of Al Qaeda – what Republican guy can say that? I’d say that 80% of the 1,000 or so people there seemed to believe this was a most joyous moment – a moment of freedom.

What about you? How did you feel?
I was torn – I felt a bit misplaced in such a void-like celebration. I had no camera to capture it and I had to go home to finish building a friend’s website so I left.

Sounds like you've got your priorities about right. Anything else to report?
Yeah, here was the best quote I heard: "Oh My God, this has been such an awesome day! We've killed terrorism AND I’ve got the car all weekend!”

Thanks Rena.

Here are some photos we took at the Ground Zero deathebration.