This story is over 5 years old.


The Guy Who Got the World's First Transplanted Penis Has Used It to Conceive a Child

It's finally been scientifically proven that you really can fuck someone with someone else's dick, and you can do a good job of it, too.

Photo via Wikicommons

You know that mean, roundabout way of calling someone ugly where you say, "I wouldn't fuck so-and-so with your dick"? Well it has now been scientifically proven that you really can fuck someone with someone else's dick, and you can do a pretty good job of it.

The BBC has just reported that according to Andre van der Merwe, the South African surgeon who performed a first-of-its-kind penile transplant last year, the lucky recipient of the replacement organ is going to be a father.


The anonymous 21-year-old patient received his new dick after a circumcision that went tragically awry. Van de Merwe told Bloomberg last year, "there is a greater need in South Africa for this type of procedure than elsewhere in the world, as many young men lose their penises every year due to complications from traditional circumcision."

The donated penis was installed during a nine-hour procedure at Tygerberg Hospital last December.

Noting that the public seemed excited about the operation, urologist Benjamin Davies was quick to try and put a damper on things, writing in Forbes that it wasn't what he would consider a breakthrough, since the nerve and tissue splicing involved is pretty mundane. He also pointed out that "in 2006 a group of Chinese urologists did the exact procedure," but unfortunately "the gentlemen removed the transplanted penis himself 14 days later." He added:

Transplanting the penis was the easy part. Taking care of it will be the really hard part. Transplant patients need constant blood work, medication changes, biopsies, and exams.

Well, using it to inseminate another person seems like a sign that the recipient has been taking care of his new penis.

Also worth noting: South Africa isn't just a place with a circumcision-botching problem. It's arguably the global leader for innovations in transplantation. The first heart transplant occurred there in 1967, so this is at least the second most important transplant that has happened there.

Want Some In-Depth Stories About Penises?

1. We Asked a Paleontologist What Dinosaurs' Dicks Were Like 2. What Life Is Like with a Giant Silicone-Enhanced Penis
3. ResErection: Our Documentary About Penis Implants
4. How Not to Break Your Dick During Sex

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