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Fashion Tidbits Roundup

This Week It's Fashionable to Be a Bad Bitch

Kidding, that's fashionable every week ever.

A weekly roundup of anything fashion-related that's made us excited about having bodies that we can dress with clothes.


Okay, I know I put Brooke Candy in literally every FTR ever, but what can I say – the girl knows how to dress. Plus, her new single is called "Pussy Make The Rules", which is amazing, even just purely on the basis that saying it out loud makes you sound slightly illiterate and also totally bad-ass.


Interestingly, this video has more than a few similarities to Gaga's "Bad Romance". I'm not sure if that's intentional or not – Candy has been pretty vocal about Gaga ripping her off in the past. But if this is Brooke attacking Gaga's imitation through imitation, she needs to be careful, because it appears she's got problems of her own. Introducing Ke$ha's new look, ladies and gentleman, complete with white girl cane rows, platform trainers and massive ghetto hoops. I smell a diss track. Or maybe a fist fight, which would be seriously entertaining with those nails.


If you haven't realised from the video above and you don't already know (which you should), fashion editor and stylist Isabella Blow was hugely influential to British fashion, playing host and muse to countless designers, including her BFF, the late Alexander McQueen.

Unfortunately, suicide and the fashion industry seem to have a bit of a rapport, because Blow – having struggled with her mental health for many years – also fell victim to her depressive tendencies and took her own life in 2007. To combat losing pretty much the sharpest dresser on the planet (so sorry,, you can have second place), Somerset House announced this week that 100 pieces of Blow's best Disney movie baddie clothing will be on display from November 2013.


Seeing as this week's tidbits is dedicated to all the bad bitches, it wouldn't make sense not to include Gerlan Jeans, who clothe practically every bad bitch who's ever set foot in NYC. Which is most of them. Bar Katy Perry, who has an unfortunate affinity with GJ and insists on wearing it a lot of the time.


Gerlan have a pretty good track record of being that designer you might not know the name of, but you've almost certainly worn a knock-off of. They're also sold on Opening Ceremony, which is essentially the starting block for all the best young fashion lines atm. The only trouble with Gerlan, is that it's really, really expensive. Not Balmain expensive, obviously, but spending 195 bucks on a raglan shirt isn't really something I'm able to do right now, or probably ever. Which is why it's good news they've teamed up with Joyrich for a back to school collection that we can only hope (and assume) is a little bit more unemployment friendly.


Photo by Syed Zain Al-Mahmood via

Not to put a downer on this totally fun and empowering edition of FTR, but I'm going to remind you that at least one thing you've bought from a shitty high street store in the last year was probably made in one of the factories that collapsed in Bangladesh last week, killing upwards of 1,000 people. Good feeling, right?

Shops including Primark and Benetton hung their heads in shame as their garments were dug out of the rubble, and an emergency meeting between Gap Inc, H&M, JC Penney, Nike Inc, Wal-Mart, Britain's Primark, Marks & Spencer and Tesco was held, basically to cover their own backs in case any of their shit was discovered in the clutches of a dead Bangladeshi sweatshop labourer, too.

Follow Bertie on Twitter: @bertiebrandes

Previously – Mandatory High Heels and Hating Your Body