This story is over 5 years old.

Noisey Blog

Purity Ring Feat. Danny Brown: "Belispeak II"

Danny's alt wishes come true.

Photo by Richmond Lam

We all know, where a lot of rappers will hail The Red Hot Chili Peppers as their favorite "indie" band, that Danny Brown's actually got a pretty discerning ear for sounds outside of hip-hop. Case and point, does anyone remember him lamenting on his Twitter that he'd never get to collaborate with electronica weirdos Purity Ring?

Well his moping seems to have paid off, because he was invited to jump on their remix of track "Belispeak", and whaddayaknow, he was right it's an excellent pairing. The ever present hysteria in Brown's voice works seamlessly with the slightly sped-up, trappy refresh of the original. Good work guys!