This story is over 5 years old.


WTF, This is a Video of a Woman With Three Breasts Dancing to Radiohead

I wish I was special.

Today's top news stories: a guy in California has refused to shower for 128 days, a naked person has been spotted running around Delaware, and a high-school kid got put in detention for sharing lunch with a class-mate.

They're all great stories - but, let's be honest, they pale in comparision to today's top, top story which involves a Floridian woman who spent €15,265 to become the world's first woman with three breasts.

The Mirror reports that Jasmine Tridevil saved up for two years for the operation - which, although coming 986 years before Busted predicted, has resulted in Jasmine's parents no longer talking to her.

However, the Mirror's story missed out a very important detail; Jasmine has uploaded a YouTube video which, for whatever reason, features her standing in front of a mirror while Thom Yorke whines about wanting to "feel special".