This story is over 5 years old.

New music

Noisey's New Music Playlist No.2

Everything from Gunplay to Venezuela's new sound "tuki" all in one playlist.

This week we've had everything from a new Gunplay cut and the delightfully titled "Fukk Off" Grip Plyaz to the sugar-sweet indie pop of The History Of Apple Pie. Although if we're judging on greatest visuals of the week, you HAVE to take a peep at Chester French's video for their new track "Drop", where they've teamed up with Tumblr-deity Niko Da Ikon.

But, my faaaaaav new discovery this week is the schizophrenic new sound of Venezuela's ghettos, "tuki". Which if you need a crash course in, listen to Pocz & Pacheko's track "Muevelo" whose video we also premiered this week.
