This story is over 5 years old.


The Video for Teddybears' "Sunshine" Features a Woman Shooting Colourful Lasers Out of Her Crotch

Yeah, we don't know either.

Here at Noisey, we get pitched a lot of music. That's probably a pretty obvious statement becuase, you know, we are a website that is dedicated to music. But I really want you to realise, dear Noisey reader, that there is a lot of shit sent to our inboxes and most of it is pretty terrible. That said, sometimes when you're perusing through the mountain-sized piles of crap, you discover some pretty wild shit. Today, we're happy to premiere a video that made me audibly say "what the fuck" when I first watched. It's a clip for "Sunshine", a track from Teddybears featuring Jamaican dancehall star Natalie Storm. In short, the video features Storm firing bright-coloured lasers out of her crotch that turn unsuspected victims into teddybears. Some other shit happens, too, but yeah. We don't know what else to say. Just stop reading and watch.

You can purchase the single via Stranded Rekords here.