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New music

A.G Cook’s Remix of How To Dress Well is the Most Nostalgic Thing You’ll Hear This Week

We didn't enjoy sexless R&B and chipmunk happy-hardcore when we were kids. But believe us, we can't get enough of it right now.

School discos are the only thing from childhood that it's impossible to be bleary-eyed about – most of mine were spent sitting in silence without a date (which, ironically, is exactly how I spend most of my dates now). But somehow PC Music's A.G Cook has made it preferrable to return to a time when the only worry was to pluck up the courage to talk to that certain love interest during the limited window of the dance finishing and our parents picking us up.


The reason Cook's remix of How To Dress Well reminds me of school discos so much is pretty simple: it combines the two main genres you'd hear in any disco during the 90s: sexless R&B and chipmunk-pitched happy-hardcore. Sure, we didn't enjoy it back then, but believe us, we can't get enough of it right now.

Listen below: