This story is over 5 years old.


Bloc Festival To Return in 2013?

Brave move after last year's disaster, guys!
Ryan Bassil
London, GB

After firmly shooting itself in the foot, it seemed almost certain that Bloc Festival had been laid to rest. The festival, which took place last year in London, was shutdown after organisers feared that the event would be overcrowded. Which means - they either, over sold on tickets, or miscalculated the space of the arena vs the amount of people attending. Basically, they fucked themselves over.

Obviously, people were pretty angry. A bucketload of k-holed teens were told to pack up and go home, their £125 tickets rendered useless. It was the bass music equivalent of Tiananmen Square. Seemingly, though, Bloc don’t care about bad press because they’ve just uploaded a new picture to their Facebook and created a new URL, brewing up rumours that the festival is set to make a return. Brave move, guys!


But, are they legally allowed to make a comeback? Reportedly, a whole load of people still haven’t got their money refunded from the festival. My friend was only able to get his after making a claim through his bank. I mean, should they be allowed to set up a new event after metaphorically setting fire to their last? Is Bloc festival the ATP of 2013?

The Stool Pigeon spoke to Bloc’s administrator, Jamie Playford of Parker Andrews, who said:

“While in administration, there is no legal problem with Bloc using their name to potentially stage a new event. The rules are different if a company is in liquidation and, at any rate, Bloc only ever used their name under licence (from themselves)”

Ah, so there’s some kind of loop hole. But should a company that still owes money to people be allowed to set up a new event? Even if they legally are, it doesn't see like a profitable career move. Furthermore, regarding the repayment situation, Playford stated that a six month update will be going out to people who are still owed money from the festival. Because, people who are owed money from a cancelled event should totally have to wait months for it, right?

Follow Ryan on Twitter @RyanBassil