This story is over 5 years old.


Day Jobs - Suckers

Let's face it: if you only like vegetables, you deserve to be picked on.

L-R: Quinn, Pan, and Austin

Candy Salad sounds like the kind of culinary concoction I’d consume and then hate myself for eating afterwards, but the new Suckers album by that name can be listened to on repeat without the saccharine aftertaste of masochism. We gave you an early stream of the album a few weeks ago, but if you missed it, go listen to it NOW. They recently celebrated their record release at Glasslands and, knowing I was going to get pretty schwasty and forget key details from the show, I made a couple notes on my phone during their set:

1)    Sexist mofo
- I actually meant to write “sexiest mofo” because halfway through their set, one of the band members was awarded Glassland’s prestigious (?) “Sexiest Mofo of the Month” award. I have never seen another band get this award, so I thought it was worthy of note.

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