Kristina Mahler

  • Chatting with a Giantess

    Bizarre sexual fetishes are not shocking to most people. At this point it’s likely that even your mother wouldn't blink if she saw some idiot dressed as a skunk in lingerie acting all sexy to the sounds of Toni Braxton.

  • Breaking Edge

    We’re not sure who’s more annoying to listen to, straight edge kids or the people who make fun of them (although they sometimes come up with pretty funny shit). But quickly eclipsing both of these is the growing trend of straight edge kids nearing 3...

  • Saving Chimps

    I don't consider myself a bleeding heart animal lover. I'm a vegetarian, but I understand animals are pretty tasty. Still, I find it baffling that animal experimentation continues to play such a huge role in biomedical research.

  • Beer Swamps

    Maybe this is a Canadian thing but when I was little my friends and I would go to a restaurant or dep (aka convenience store), and mix a bunch of soft drinks together at the soda fountain to make these things called “swamps.”

  • Scrub 'N Tug