funny pages

  • Herman the Elder

    A documentarian starts creating a movie about a giant spider named Herman the Elder for his series about monsters, but it turns out Herman is a gentle beast.

  • Cinema

    In Jonny Negron's latest comic, a bunch of privileged jerks complain at a movie theater.

  • I Fly So Low

    Modern comics by Valentine Gallardo.

  • Sick

    Imagine if your TV was a little, living being. It would fucking hate you.

  • Riottk

    In this comic, Panayiotis Terzis draws an age of brutality and beauty. The pleasure comes out of the pain, and the pain comes out of the pleasure.

  • Locked Up

    What's the worst part of being locked in a cell since February? Starving and fighting over food, duh.

  • Slam Dunks

    After the sun sets and parents tuck their kids into bed, the neighbourhood houses wake up and come out to play.

  • Star Trek

    Space: the final frontier. It's hot, there's no gravity, everyone is horny, and our Star Trek friends are ready to rip off their polyester shirts and “energise.”

  • Keep It Real

    You know your nerdy co-worker who hits on everyone at office parties? Well, this is the story of that guy.