
  • Iceland's Most Poetic Murderer

    I’m sat with Bjarni Bernhardur, 25 years ago, he butchered his landlord to the sounds of Louis Armstrong. Today he’s invited me over to drink some tea, eat some salami and hear about his life.

  • Weather and Sleep

    Those of you old enough to remember the 80s know that it was the decade in which everyone suddenly realized they were bisexual. In the 90s, we diagnosed ourselves as bipolar and prescribed ourselves cocaine. Then in the 2000s, we all suffered the mass...

  • The Earthquake In Chile

    Kleist’s perennial story in this issue, “The Earthquake in Chile,” is part of forthcoming, freshly translated collection of his prose.

  • Don't Tell A Soul

    As some poet guy has surely said at some point, "All women are big piles of secrets on two legs." Or as the dwarf in Twin Peaks told Agent Dale Cooper in reference to Laura Palmer, "She's full of secrets." What that little dwarf meant is that every...
