This story is over 5 years old.

The Blobby Boys & Friends

Part 1

About a month ago we promoted Nick Gazin from resident mouthbreather to art editor, and one of his first orders of business has been to ratchet up the number of serialized comics on Today we are happy to premiere the first of Alex Schubert's...

About a month ago we promoted Nick Gazin from resident mouthbreather to art editor, and one of his first orders of business has been to ratchet up the number of serialized comics on Last week saw the first installment of Anya Davidson's Band for Life, and today we are happy to premiere the first of Alex Schubert's new series, Blobby Boys. Give it a read below, and check back for part two next Wednesday.


Keep your eyes peeled for new episodes of Blobby Boys every Wednesday from here until the end of time. Or until Alex gets sick of working with us.