The Blonds NYFW Show Was the Gayest Thing I've Ever Seen


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The Blonds NYFW Show Was the Gayest Thing I've Ever Seen

When I say the Blonds Sping/Summer 2013 show at Milk Studios last night was gay, I don't mean it was, like, Imma-physically-put-my-dick-in-your-booty gay. I just mean it was like over the top, fabulous, firerce, guy-in-dolphin-pants gay.

When I say *the Blonds* *Spring/Summer 2013 show* at Made Fashion Week last night was gay, I don't mean it was, like Imma-physically-put-my-dick-in-your-booty gay. And I don't mean it was like casually-homophobic-surburban-teen "that's so gay," either. I just mean it was over the top, fabulous, firerce, guy-in-dolphin-pants gay—which is awesome and made me feel kind of warm and fuzzy inside.

The Blonds make clothes for crazy fashion celebrities like Nicki Minaj and Lady Gaga, so it was only natural that this show featured the kind of garments a normal person could never wear to a cookout down the street with potato salad and PBRs. These sparkle-vomit dresses for girls and the technicolor ball-hugging speedo shorts for dudes created by design duo Phillip and David Blond were the most genuinely fun things I've seen all Fashion Week. Everything about the show was larger than life, yet inclusive and celebratory at the same time. It's the only show I've been to this season where the audience hooted and howled as models paraded down the runway. And the models were perfect picks for the show because they exuded swagger by strutting their stuff, hamming it up for the cameras, and even doing a few spins all to the backbeat of some super booty-bumping dance music. I'll never wear any the stuff in this collection, EVER. But I had a really good time watching the show and I'm elated that this insane fashion exists and has found support from rich people like Paris Hilton, who was in attendance sporting some major boobage.


Stay tuned to VICE throughout the rest of the week for more from Wilbert on what’s happening during one of the most vacuous and awe-inspiring events that fussy New Yorkers take part in twice a year.


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