This story is over 5 years old.


We Saw This: Sea of Bees

I'd gladly swim in a Sea of Bees for these broads.

Last night was the first time I had ever been to a show at Rock Shop in Brooklyn, and also the first time a man decided that the perfect time to unzip his pants and take a pee against a fence was right as I was about to pass him on the sidewalk, but that joy came at the end of the night.

The reason I went to the Rock Shop was to see the lovely and amazing band, Sea of Bees, who traveled from Sacramento, California to play a couple shows. We met up a few hours before they had to play and busted loose on the face of Park Slope; winking, bobbing, AND weaving all over the double-wide strollers and local lesbians. It was a scene.


Jules and Amber (the ladies of Bees) and I sat at an outdoor seating area of a Mexican restaurant and each wolfed down two frozen margaritas a piece, burritos, and chips. As we sat there discussing a wide variety of subjects such as homo activity, how to not be an asshole, and kitten rescue, we witnessed a car very casually back into another car, a lady put her dog in her purse, a (based on sound) near fatal car accident, and a small, blonde child who zipped right up to us on a pink scooter calling out "HEY, GUYS!" with a level of confidence that knocked us all down about fifty-five levels.

Amber to the left, Jules to the right.

I get really insane and emotional when I watch bands that I really like perform, especially if the people in the band are my friends. Luckily no one in the audience did anything retarded on this night, but some ladies to the left of me kept talking about how hot Amber was and I had to fire off one warning gas face in their direction.

But I mean, it makes sense why they'd be saying that …

Jules told the funniest story this night about how a friend of hers rescued nine kittens from a crazy lady who just had them in a box on the side of the road and was calling out "Hellllp. Helllllp." I couldn't stop laughing about this and while they were playing I actually had to stop myself from calling out "helllllllp. hellllllllp. Or, remember the kitten story!" from the audience. I'm really glad that I didn't do that.

Bonus points for the night: "Hellllp. Helllllp."

Points subtracted for the night: The man who tried to pee on me.

Previously: We Saw This: Neon Indian
