This story is over 5 years old.


Please Don't Actually Punch the Camera

A new photo zine called "Punch The Camera" features pictures of space, camping, swimming, protesting, bicycling, and other fun stuff. Featuring work by Jim Mangan, Peter Sutherland, Spencer Davis, and Jennilee Marigomen.
Christian Storm
Κείμενο Christian Storm

Jim Mangan, the guy who gave us those gorgeous pictures of sandy people for our Sprinkles of the Sandman issue, just sent over a copy of the new zine he’s featured in, called Punch The Camera, and it's held our eyeballs hostage for the better part of the afternoon. It’s full of summer fun like swimming and camping and drinking champagne in the back of vans, so it will keep you warm when the cold sets in. There are also pictures of protests, people in Kenya, and trippy images of space by fellow VICE pal, Peter Sutherland.


It’s all put together by Justin Parkhurst, who describes it as being “about bringing together photographers, established and unknown, who have a story to tell with their images. Each story expresses an adventure he or she experienced and wants to share with the world.  Some stories have consistent themes and some don’t. I also like to think Punch the Camera is simply about good photos.”

You can grab a copy here.