
  • Amplified Samples

    Samples. There are plenty of rotters out there dressing their shitty songs up in them, applying them as liberally as possible without realizing everyone can see straight through their horribly stuck-together musical golems.

  • Endless Harmoniacals

    Jazz can be scary. Unless you are some child prodigy in a Richard Powers novel, it's unlikely you will experience that much jazz in your quotidian existence.

  • Western Humiliation 2007

    John Sharkey is the singer and guitarist for Clockcleaner, the band that singlehandedly caused us to rethink music from Philadelphia.

  • Paper Boy Blues

    I started to get into pop music in the early 80s and, to me, Rumble Strips sound like all my favourite groups from that time of industrial disputes, yuppies and riots.

  • Choosing Poverty

    Being on tour is pretty miserable. It's all about sleeping on floors, peeing in bottles and showering with no hot water (if you're lucky).

  • Listen To Progan Stone

    This is the first instalment of a new music column written by none other than myself, Progan Stone. Every issue I'll be filtering through piles of music to tell you what's hot.

  • My Dad Signs Bands

    Once my Dad came home with a CD and he was like: "Listen to this!" We listened to it and it was really, really good. I wanted to hear it again, have the CD, meet them and see them live.

  • Vice Recommends

    Way before the Monkeys and Franz Ferdinand transformed Domino Records into a ruthless multinational, the label used to put out records by people like Smog and The Pastels and they’d all happily live off bread and water.

  • Norwegian Pigs

    Snuten are three bearded dudes and one hot stud from Norway who sound a bit like the missing link between Barbra Streisand, Crass and DJ Assault. Just what the world's been waiting for, right?

  • Doomsday Metal

    Yeah, motherfucking Trulen is back! The Arckanum demo from –94 has just been re-released by Carnal Records, and it’s sounding so good we’re getting cold shivers all over.

  • Dooms Day Metal

    Does it make any sense to even try to explain what has gone wrong with Death Metal? I see you scratching your bleached hair going "Huh!? Metal still rawks man!"

  • Supermarket Sweet

    Melbourne’s greasy electro-punk geeks Damn Arms are the latest in a deluge of bands to arrive in the UK from Down Under who look set to put Aussie rock right back on the international rock map (Jet were a joke, right?).