Thumbs Up!

  • Thumbs Up! Season 3

    When Harry’s prostitute girlfriend dumps him, the gang are stranded in a land where one billion people don’t speak their language.

  • Thumbs Up! Season 3

    While Harry’s sparking romance with a rescued prostitute, Dave wakes up with spider bites on his ass.

  • Thumbs Up! Season 3

    David Choe finds himself stranded in Wuhan without his cameraman or his Harry.

  • Thumbs Up! Season 3

    David and Harry abandon both land and their cameraman to float their way down the Yangtze river in an inflatable boat.

  • Thumbs Up! Season 3

    In this installment, Choe and Harry experience difficulty nabbing a ride without Stephanie to attract horny drivers.

  • Thumbs Up! Season 3

    In the city of Zhengzhou, Harry tries on a variety of wigs — some inanimate, some living. A rift in the group emerges over the journey’s trajectory.

  • Thumbs Up! Season 3

    In this episode, the crew walk around the yellow river, fight with some goats, and find a bike gang.

  • Thumbs Up! Season 3

    Since Harry rocked the party last night, David treats him to a haircut.

  • Thumbs Up! Season 3

    The crew meet a band of punk rockers called Echo Rush and are finally shown how to truly party in the People’s Republic.