This story is over 5 years old.


The BBC Has Weird Ideas About How People Steal Software

Who knew it was this easy?

(This video should autoplay at 23:56, but if it doesn't, skip to that part.)

Someone just pointed me in the direction of an episode of BBC Three's The Real Hustle from a few years ago in which they point out how "hustlers" get free software.

Revealing to the world how to pirate software seems like EXTREMELY irresponsible journalism on behalf of the BBC, and, frankly, I'm surprised that the software industry managed to survive this.


Who knew that getting free programs was as simple as making a custom-made hard drive pouch, heading to your local computer shop and dragging a few desktop shortcuts over while you stand with your hand tethered to the back of a computer?

It's odd that the people who develop these computer programs never put some kind of extra level of security in place to prevent this kind of thing. Like, I don't know, some kind of serial number or code that you have to enter in order to use the software. I hope they've seriously upped their game since this information came out into the open.

Also, and this is unrelated, but a guy once tried to take me on a date to a Currys Digital by his house because he thought it was an Indian restaurant.

Follow Jamie on Twitter: @JLCT

Another breezy Friday read:

Discovered: Conclusive Proof That There Is No God and Humans Are Essentially Evil