More Photos from Corey Feldman's Birthday Party


This story is over 5 years old.


More Photos from Corey Feldman's Birthday Party

Corey wasn't happy with the photos I posted, so here are some more.

Yesterday, I wrote a Corey Feldman-approved post about my night at Corey Feldman's birthday party. Despite describing it as a "great article!" prior to publication, Corey took to Twitter to vent about how much he disliked the post after it was published:

Every1 who was there last Fri had an amazing time, and it was beautiful, I truly hope U aren't deceived by those horrid photos!

— Corey Feldman (@Corey_Feldman) August 21, 2013


@VICE mockery is the highest form of flattery! U specifically used all the terrible awful pics I asked U not 2 use……terrible #shame

— Corey Feldman (@Corey_Feldman) August 21, 2013

Im really sad that there r so many liars n haters n the world. This online site went out of the way to make beautiful ppl look sad!

— Corey Feldman (@Corey_Feldman) August 21, 2013

It's called defamation of character and slander n I'm pretty sure those things r still illegal n this country @VICE

— Corey Feldman (@Corey_Feldman) August 21, 2013

As you can see, his main issue seems to be the images I selected to accompany my post. So at the top of this page is a launchable gallery containing a wider selection of pictures I took during the evening. Corey, if you're reading this, I hope this makes things better between us.


Previously: I Went to Corey Feldman's Birthday Party