This story is over 5 years old.

The Writing-Cute-Things... Issue

The River Styx Is Full of Booze

Photographer Casper Dalhoff recently spent some time in a Copenhagen institution for chronic alcoholics.

Photographer Casper Dalhoff recently spent some time in a Copenhagen institution for chronic alcoholics. Thirty-nine men and women live there, all fully resigned to the fact that they are dying because of drinking, yet all still drinking like so many suicidal herring. They came here to run out the clock.

For many alcoholics who have reached the chronic stage, quitting is not an option. In fact, for advanced alkies, putting an end to drinking can quickly lead to death, as years of relentless boozing alters one’s metabolism to the point that a sudden lack of the sauce will wreak havoc. The symptoms of acute alcohol withdrawal include a dangerously accelerated heart rate, palpitations, catatonia, and hallucinations.


So, is it safe to say that acute alcohol withdrawal is actually not cute at all? Ha ha ha. OK, sorry. Let’s go meet these sad drunk bastards…