The Writing-Cute-Things... Issue

  • Freak Scene

    You will almost certainly have seen images from the Burns Archive, most likely in books such as Death Scenes. But the archive of Dr. Stanley Burns covers far more than forensics and violence.

  • Snap Happy

    New York artist Jamie Livingston took a Polaroid photograph every day of his life for 18 years, between 1979 and 1997, with a Polaroid SX-70 camera. He called the project “Photo of the Day."

  • The River Styx Is Full of Booze

    Photographer Casper Dalhoff recently spent some time in a Copenhagen institution for chronic alcoholics.

  • Northern Lights

    Fresh off an assignment documenting young girls working as prostitutes in the Czech Republic, she returned to her native Denmark eager to investigate the suicide epidemic plaguing teenage Inuits.

  • The Best Of The Boot?

    When Italians think of Naples, they almost assuredly get three things every time: pizza, garbage in the streets, and the most powerful international crime syndicate in the world—the Camorra.

  • Hello Titty

    A while back, PETA, made all the "weird news" columns in the US by suggesting that Ben & Jerry's should use breast milk, like the kind your mum fed you from her mum tits, instead of cow milk.
