
  • Electric Independence

    "Vodka for Russians is like a warming water. When it's cold you have to drink a glass of vodka to feel warm-I don't drink vodka to get drunk," says Alexey Orchensky, the 20-year-old Russian genius behind Amen Orchestra.

  • Ra-Ra Rasputin

    The Favourite Sons are the reason Ken Griffith isn’t currently mopping vomit off the floor of a Brooklyn drinking hole. After Irish noise-pop demi-gods Rollerskate Skinny split in 1997 he decided to have one last go with Kid Silver.

  • Bible Bashers

    Sometimes, you’ll know a British band by how they make something poetic out of their experience of living in the UK. You’ll usually notice that their songs find some way to romanticize what is essentially a small, rainy country where summer lasts ten...

  • Instant Razor Blade Mash

    Daniel Treacy has been missing in action for a while. Back in the 70s and 80s, his group The Television Personalities wrote classic, funny songs like “Part Time Punks” and “I Know Where Syd Barrett Lives.”

  • Wild Berries

    Gossip might be one of the best reasons to get fat. Partly because you're going to need the energy that the extra body fat provides when you go moshing to their utterly energetic, riot-y, bluesrockdisco.

  • Eat It

    First Nation is Melissa, Nina, and Kate. They’ve been jamming out together on some far-out vibes for about two years now. The culmination of said jamming will be a jamtastic album out on Animal Collective’s label, Paw Tracks, in the very near future.

  • Hate Cuisine

    For all their fancy gigs at the Albert Hall, Mogwai also do a pretty good job at grassroots A&R-ing with their Rock Action label. A few years ago they had this great band from Liverpool called Kling Klang that sounded like Kraftwerk and Goblin.

  • Eating Their Words

    When you're the eight-foot tall singer in the Liars with a tendency towards manic on-stage behaviour, you tend to burn a lot of energy and get really hungry.

  • Treat Them Like Bitches

    Over the past 20 years, although there were a handful of light-in-the-darkness bands, the majority of hardcore groups/kids/zines have been copycat losers, a zillion times removed from the founding principles of the movement.

  • Tribal Gathering

    Yeborobo are a big adorable mess. They're one of these childhood friends bands that reads like the class in Saved By The Bell: the geek, the bully, the goth, the cool kid, the girl, the other geek.

  • Shredding On The Rez

    I play drums in the band Defiant. We started about 15 years ago, me and Tom. Then I met his sister here and this band has taken off over the last four years. We’ve been playing out quite a bit. We play classic rock with a metal influence.

  • Feel The Wrath

    Integrity came out at a time when hardcore was heading at light speed into Planet Gay Prog Metal Zone and emo college rock was about to engulf the world. Their first EP “In Contrast Of Sin” united crusties, punks and SXE zealots around the world with...