
Monthly Horoscope: Libra, March 2022

Welcome to Pisces season, dear Libra!
Pisces and Aries
Robin Eisenberg

The sun in Pisces illuminates the sector of your chart that rules your daily routines and rituals, making this a productive time of year for you! It’s a wonderful opportunity to reorganize your work space and rearrange your schedule, to focus on tackling the projects on your to-do list, and in your personal life, to focus on health and wellness. The new moon in Pisces on March 2 is a powerful moment to set intentions and start a new habit, and in your career, this new moon can bring new gigs or projects! 


Pisces energy is all about imagination, creativity, and harmony, and this new moon is wonderful for showing the people you work with your artistic talents and your ability to bring people together as a team. A brilliant solution to a tricky problem can be discovered during this new moon as the sun connects with Uranus in Taurus. Also on this day, Mercury and Saturn meet in Aquarius, which could find you making an important agreement or promise. A focused, serious energy flows.

Venus, Mars, and Pluto all align in Capricorn on March 3, inspiring a deeply transformative atmosphere. Major changes in your home and family life may be taking place. You could be moving or renovating, or on a more personal level, you might be connecting with your family or housemates in a new way or understanding your past from a new perspective. Your meaning of “home” is evolving. 

The mood is productive as the sun meets Jupiter in Pisces on March 5; an exciting opportunity may come your way, just don’t overbook yourself! Carve out plenty of time to have fun as Mars and Venus enter and meet in fellow air sign Aquarius on March 6. Inspiration flows, and Mars in Aquarius might put you in party animal mode: You’re ready to fully let loose, and your ruling planet Venus in fellow air sign Aquarius finds you feeling especially charming and attractive! As these two planets meet, you could feel like you’re experiencing an exciting renaissance in your love life or artistic pursuits! 


Communications concerning gigs and projects may pop up as Mercury enters Pisces on March 9, and your creativity is especially amped up as the planet of the mind, Mercury, moves through this imaginative water sign. Libras are famously fashionable: This is partly because Libras usually have strong instincts about upcoming trends, and Mercury in intuitive Pisces strengthens this gift! The sun meets Neptune in Pisces on March 13: Make time to connect with nature, have a spa day, or engage in something that helps you feel energized and taken care of. Unexpected news or a brilliant breakthrough can arrive as Mercury connects with Uranus on March 17.

Make space to rest during the full moon in Virgo on March 18. Your dreams may be especially active at this time, so keep a dream journal by your bed. This is a powerful moment to explore your spiritual practice through quiet meditation and connecting with your inner voice. Pisces season finds you busy at work, but the full moon in Virgo wants you to catch up on quality time to yourself, to focus on rest and relaxation. Feelings you’ve ignored, or simply haven’t had time to sit with, bubble to the surface. 

Also during this full moon, the sun mingles with power planet Pluto, making it a powerful time to transform an old habit. Full moons are a time for release, and Pluto encourages us to keep our control issues in check, and to let go of the past. Change can be hard, but it can also be liberating!


Your ruling planet Venus squares off with Uranus on March 19, which can stir up unexpected feeling. People may be quite unpredictable at this time! We’re craving novelty and freedom, but some drama may be stirred by folks who don’t know what to do with their nervous energy. You may be totally, unexpectedly swept off your feet by romance—or it’s possible that you’ll be turned off by someone’s unpredictable behavior! Keep things flexible; this isn’t the time to make major commitments. 

The sun enters your opposite sign Aries on March 20, illuminating the relationship sector of your chart: It’s a lovely moment to meet new people and deepen connections in your established partnerships! Good news may come your way as Mercury meets Jupiter on March 21. An exciting invitation may land in your inbox. 

Watch out for drama and short tempers as Mars squares off with Uranus on March 22. As a Libra, justice is important to you: If you sense that the balance is off between you and a partner at this time, you may feel unusually impulsive or angry with your response. Carve out time and space to explore your emotions in a healthy and productive way. Mercury meets Neptune on March 23, smoothing tension and bringing a more sensitive approach to communication.

Mercury connects with Pluto on March 26, which may find you reorganizing things at home or at work. If you’re doing research at this time, you can discover something intriguing! Communication kicks up in your partnerships as Mercury enters Aries on March 27: This is an exciting time to network and share ideas! Mercury in Pisces is highly creative and can be a daydreamer, but Mercury in Aries all about action. As Mercury enters Aries, you may find that you or your partners have an especially direct approach to communication. 

Your planetary ruler Venus meets Saturn on March 28, finding you committing to something you’re passionate about. You might embark on a creative project that’s very close to your heart, or taking a more serious approach to your love life. Libras typically have a fun, flirty approach, but the energy might be intense at this time.

Good luck this month, Libra, and see you in April!