
  • So Long Google Reader, and Thanks for the Memories

    All I can say is I’ll miss you. I don’t know how I could have been a journalist these last few years without you. I may have been forced to find my own scoops by leaving my desk or a picking up a phone.

  • Dear VICE - I'm a Real Photographer

    This reader sent in a photo of their Goddaughter showing how to pose with a Winchester .44.

  • VICE Mail

    Dear Vice, Just writing to commend you on your excellent contribution to the modern magazine world. Haha. Just kidding. I don’t read your magazine, but the cartoons in the back make me laugh.

  • VICE Mail

    Dear VICE, I noticed the global trend report was missing from this year’s Fashion Issue. THANK YOU. THAT SHIT SUCKED.

  • VICE Mail

    Dear Vice, I keep on imagining you doing a Hawaii Issue. Will that ever happen?

  • VICE Mail

    I was just wondering what your safety policy is or what you recommend we do in situations that could yield greatly in the name of Vice but could probably and would probably end in our absolute death.

  • VICE Mail

    OK, you got me. The trash pileup in the middle of the ocean is scary. But what are we supposed to do about it? Just be scared? Solutions please.

  • VICE Mail

    I bought some nice clothes at an American Apparel store in Camarillo, California. The gentleman was very helpful and courteous but then he put this disgusting magazine in my bag.

  • VICE Mail

    Re: the “War Resistant” article: All you military deserters deserve exactly what you will get. You were never forced into it. You joined of your own free will.

  • Vice Mail

    This is not an ass kiss, more of a sincere thank-you. I am not a part of Vice’s demographic—37, married with three kids, ages 10, 8, and 6.

  • Vice Mail

    The last time there was a magazine that was this worthwhile, warts and all, was... um, never, so how about not reading it if it’s soooo boring or not as good or core or whatever? It’s shit like that that makes me really hate my generation.

  • Vice Mail

    I used to be one of the many people who, for no good reason, disliked cops. Then about two months ago I was sodomized at knifepoint a few feet from my front door. I can say now that I have nothing but respect and admiration for the police.