This story is over 5 years old.


We're Nominated for More Webbys

Our trophy mantel is lopsided. Help us win more Webbys.

We're not in this business for the awards. Sure, getting showered with trophies and accolades is a nice perk, but that's not why we're here. No, when quitting time comes, we look back on our day's work hoping it has brought you a bit of enlightenment or maybe a new way to look at pee. And what do we ask in return? That you watch all of our free content and come to our free parties and get drunk on all of our free beer? Sounds like we got the short end of the stick here. Well today we're calling in our favors. We want to win another one of those big metal springs to even out our trophy rack, so we need you to vote for us in the Webbys.


This year Bride Kidnapping in Kyrgzstan and The Rebels of Libya were nominated in the Documentary: Individual Episode category, meaning you'll have to Sophie's Choice it. Then, in the News and Politics: Individual Episode category, we have The VICE Guide to Congo.

Navigating the Webby's website remains one of the most challenging and annoying things we've ever had to do, so we're going to make this easy for you. Just follow the instructions below and vote!

1. Go here.

2. Register to vote with your email address.

3. Click on each of the links below to jump directly to VICE categories:

- Documentary: Individual Episode: Bride Kidnapping in Kyrgyzstan OR The Rebels of Libya

- News and Politics: Individual Episode: The VICE Guide to Congo

4. To vote, click your choice and then click again to confirm. If you see a voting tally with percentages, you have voted successfully. Good for you. And us.

PS - While you're there, why not go ahead and vote for The Creators Project here and here and here? You're the best.