This story is over 5 years old.


Reds Manager Bryan Price Unleashes Epic Fucking Rant on Beat Writers

Reds Manager Bryan Price unleashed a five minute tirade where he said "fuck" or a variation thereof 77 times.

The word epic has become so overused that it's lost a lot of its meaning, but there is simply no other word for this expletive-laced tirade Reds Manager Bryan price uncorked on some of the beat writers today. It is amazing and glorious and totally misguided, but also kind of nice (for, like, five seconds anyway). It seems the tipping point for Price was a report that Reds catcher Devin Mesoraco was not with the team Sunday. From a tactical perspective, Price doesn't think it's necessary for other teams to know who is and who is not with the team or available for the game and doesn't see the benefit for the Reds in reporting that information. That's obviously not a concern for C. Trent Rosecrans, the reporter who took the brunt of the spittle, but that's neither here nor fucking there.


According to the Cincinnati Enquirer, the rant lasted over five minutes and included "77 uses of the "F" word or a variant and 11 uses of a vulgar term for feces (two bovine, one equine)." The Enquirer edited the expletives with asterisks, but not here. We added the full words back. Buckle up, fuckos.

I like to talk — and I have spoken as candidly as I can with you people, if that's not good enough, I won't say a fucking thing. I'll go, 'yes sir, no sir.' And I can do that. But fuck, I've been as candid as I can fucking be about this team and our players, and we've got to deal with this shit, every fucking team that we fucking play has to know every fucking guy that's here and what they can and can't do? Fuck me. It's a fucking disgrace. I'm fucking sick of this shit. It's fucking hard enough to fucking win here to have fucking every fucking opponent know exactly what the fuck we bring to the table every day. It's fucking horseshit. I don't like it. It's what I'm saying. To make it very clear, I don't like the way that this shit's going — at all. I don't like it.

That is just one portion of the rant. There is much, much more that you should check out over at In the meantime, while we wait for audio to surface (UPDATE: it's up top now, and the fun, albeit bleeped out, starts about one minute in), we leave you with this lovely bit of imagery from Price. Near the end of his rant, he seems to realize he's been a bit of a maniac, and Rosecrans has really handled it very well. So, he relents, in a way: "Ah, fuck. I'm just, I'm fucking pissing up a rope in this fucking business."

Then he continues tearing them a new one.

h/t @Suss2hyphen

[Cincinnati Enquirer]