This story is over 5 years old.


Bernie Sanders Celebrates NBA All-Star Withdrawal from NC with Sick GIF of Him Pulling Up from 40

The Bernie Sanders campaign has reached a slap-happy twilight in the post-Hillary endorsement phase.

Great move by the NBA pulling next year's All-Star Game from NC. We must stand with our LGBTQ brothers and sisters.
— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) July 22, 2016

The Bernie Sanders campaign has reached a slap-happy twilight in the post-Hillary endorsement phase. With the DNC all but clinched by the former Secretary of State, and a handful of Bernie staff holdouts, it seems that someone had enough time on their hands to put together a clip of Bernie Sanders pulling up from 40 as a Golden State Warrior to celebrate the fact that the NBA withdrew its 2017 All-Star Game from North Carolina due to the state's discriminatory transgender law. And the results are delightful.

Sanders—who jumped on the Warriors bandwagon to appeal to California voters on May 30th, before his meteoric campaign crashed out unceremoniously (parallels, anyone?)—appears to be a bit of a basketball savant. At least in the eyes of Megyn Kelly. The GIF above seems to be composed of a Steph Curry deep three against the Pelicans and the video below:

The look on Sanders' face is that of wonderment—even though he did have an open man on the wing.