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a guide to celebrities dressed as other celebrities for halloween

From Kylie Jenner as 'Dirrty' era Xtina, to Winona Ryder as... herself.

This article originally appeared on GARAGE.

Halloween is a magical and intoxicating night, a night when we get to shed the skins of our humdrum daily lives and inhabit a totally new persona. For celebrities, of course, the stakes are even higher; they already get to inhabit new personae every time they take on a new role, so they have to really ball out when it comes to the spookiest night of the year.


In breathless anticipation of Halloween, the absolute best holiday (do not @ me with your impassioned defense of Christmas!), we’ve put together a compendium of the ultimate Inception costume move—celebrities dressed as other celebrities.

Beyoncé as Lil’ Kim.
If you're Beyoncé, the megastar who launched a thousand aspirational Halloween costumes, who do you look to for costume inspiration? Why, iconic rapper Lil’ Kim, of course. Lil’ Kim was so touched by Bey's five-look tribute that she gushed about it on Twitter, calling herself “speechless and honored.”

Kylie Jenner as Christina Aguilera.
The youngest member of the Jenner clan’s tribute to “Dirrty”-era Christina Aguilera was, it has to be said, a scientifically perfect Halloween lewk. Early 2000s throwback? Check. Plenty of skin on display, in accordance with Mean Girls costume regulations? Check. Jenner's outfit got a resounding “YAASSSSS” from Xtina herself, which is the highest sign of praise one celebrity can offer another.

Demi Lovato as Selena.
One Texan music icon dressing up as another is a thing of beauty. Why does just looking at this image make me want to listen to “Como La Flor”?

Winona Ryder as herself (?).
Okay, this one is a bit of a thinker. Winona Ryder showed up at an event wearing the same Tom Waits T-shirt and leather jacket she famously sported in 1991, prompting the internet to think she was pulling the insanely powerful stunt move of dressing up as her past self for Halloween. Sadly, some investigative reporting by Buzzfeed disproved the fan theory, pointing out that the adult Winona’s look dated from December 2016, and thus couldn't be a Halloween costume. Still, we think it deserves a place in the annals of celebrity costume history.

Read the full article on GARAGE.