This story is over 5 years old.


The DIY 3D Method For Mint Julep's New Video

Berlin-based duo A Nice Idea Everyday uses 3D technology in a novel way.

3D is the latest industry stunt trying to push the in-your-face movie experience a few inches closer to your face. Even though its resurgence came about a couple years back, 3D is still Hollywood's favorite toy, and, despite some critical backlash, its more practical uses include enhancing historic imagery as seen in The Cave Of Forgotten Dreams. 2012 could even be the year 3D reaches a maturity and becomes a beautiful and weird art medium. We think German directoral team A Nice Idea Everyday might be moving in that direction with their music video for Mint Julep that uses 3D technology that reminds us of twitchy, two-frame stereoscopic GIFs.


This kind of “3D” is DIY and doesn't require glasses to see or any fancy devices to shoot. You just need to roll two video cameras at the same time, shooting the same object from two slightly different angles. By switching constantly between the two inputs, and setting the focal point on the background, you create a feeling of depth that reveals a vague 3D impression. See how A Nice Idea Everyday used this technique in “To The Sea” below.

Last year the Portland-based indie band released an innovative and strange [music video]( ) which hinted at their love for advanced shooting technologies, as well as their affinity for young people doing ritual pagan stuff while chain smoking cigarettes against the breathtaking backdrop of various natural landscapes.