This story is over 5 years old.


Cristiano Ronaldo and the Agony of Greatness, In Two GIFs

Ronaldo tried to put his teammate in a position to score Real Madrid's second goal against Juventus and it backfired. He was upset, but resolved.

In the first half of his Champions League match against Juventus, Cristiano Ronaldo pulled off the soccer equivalent of an ankle-breaker. As he sped to the goal line he suddenly stopped on a dime, forcing his defender to the ground and leaving himself a pretty good look on goal. It all happened so fast, maybe he surprised even himself, because instead of firing on goal, he opted to pass off to his teammate Isco, and the play was broken up. Real Madrid kept pressing, but they were eventually turned away, and Ronaldo was beside himself at the missed opportunity.


The knock against Ronaldo is that he is a bit of a dickbag on the pitch, selfish and upset when he doesn't get the glory for himself. But here he tried to set up a teammate and it went all wrong for him. Look at him leaning against the post. He is on the verge of tears, but he is also smart. The look on his face at the end says it all; he'll never make the same mistake again. No more passes! Ever!
