63 Seconds of Pau Gasol Screaming Like a Weirdo


This story is over 5 years old.


63 Seconds of Pau Gasol Screaming Like a Weirdo

Someone decided to edit together a highlight reel of Pau Gasol yelling his primeval yell during play. Thank God they did.

File this one under Things You Never Knew You Always Wanted. Someone, a genius probably, edited together a clip reel of Pau Gasol screaming like a weirdo while playing. Whether he is shooting, blocking, or getting blocked, Pau Gasol is screaming a primal scream. It sounds like a human screaming like a goat screaming like a human.

We've had enough of the Wilhelm Scream in movies at this point. We are an evolutionary species, we need something new and the Pau Scream is it. This is a free idea, Hollywood, because doing the right thing shouldn't come at a price.

h/t Extra Mustard