
Weekly Horoscope: February 21 - 27

Imagine the best possible outcome.
Robin Eisenberg

Everyone is passionate about what they want! This week there’s a willingness to go after something idealistic, like chasing a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. Look out for self-fulfilling prophecies and keep your intentions pure; things can get confusing if you’re not clear with yourself first. People are attracted what stirs their passions, and are finding the most desirable strategies to go after something romanticized.


Action planet Mars gently connects with Neptune, the planet of beliefs, on Wednesday, February 23, at 2:11 PM. Venus, the planet of love, also makes a harmonious connection with Neptune on Thursday, February 24, at 11:03 PM: We can easily find something to project our desires and ideals onto later this week, when the moon moves into Capricorn.

Messenger Mercury clashes with Uranus, the planet of surprises, on Thursday, February 24, at 9:21 PM—what comes out of people’s mouths might shock you! Conversations take an unexpected turn. Imaginations are very active, so try to keep things simple and not get carried away with things that aren’y directly in front of you. Alternately, since minds will be active and inventive, it’s a useful time to brainstorm and imagine the best possible outcome.

All times ET.

Aries horoscope for February 21 - 27

Your relationships began a new cycle last week as Mars joined with Venus, the planet of love and relationships. This can signify taking things public. This can also be an important beginning of your partners joining you in your career or life achievements. There is so much space for you to wonder about the future! Your planetary ruler Mars connects with Neptune, the planet of dreams: Your intuition is strong, but so is your imagination. While you’re following your instinct, you’re also pushing your own agenda. Cut through anything confusing or mysterious with your courage and strength. Approach superstitions with your curious urge to see what happens if you simply try.


Taurus horoscope for February 21 - 27

You’re seeing how far things can go as your planetary ruler Venus moves through your chart’s house of expanding horizons. Whether that’s through travel, spirituality, or education, is up to you. You’ll be considering your beliefs and values, which might find new and curious forms as Venus gently connects with dreamy Neptune. This is a time to tap into what you believe in both spiritually and politically. The planet of communication, Mercury, clashes with Uranus, the planet of surprises, which could find you abruptly changing your mind. It’s a very mentally active moment, so try to monitor your screen time and bed time to make the most of this stroke of genius.

Gemini horoscope for February 21 - 27

Since last week, a new cycle began concerning working together with lovers or friends toward a shared future as action planet Mars met Venus, the planet of relationships. Lines are getting blurred and it might be confusing to put your ultimate goal into words as these planets connect with Neptune, the planet of transcendence. It’s a feeling! It could be challenging to determine the difference between what’s yours and what’s theirs when everything is melting together. It’s intoxicating and consuming. Your planetary ruler Mercury clashes with Uranus, the planet of surprises, which can bring an unexpected change to your itinerary. It’s possible that you’re now in a place, or being educated in a way that changes your worldview.


Cancer horoscope for February 21 - 27

Last week began a new cycle in your relationships, bringing up questions about the life that you want to build with others, as action planet Mars met with Venus, the planet of love. These two planets are still together in your chart’s house of partnerships, reflecting a lot of passion and excitement in this area of your life. All relationships fall in this category! Interpersonal commitments are getting spicy, and are able to reach something that is beyond this world. Mars and Venus gently connect with Neptune, the planet of spirituality, creating a longing to merge and connect with others on a soul level. Your partnerships and relationship to relationships take on a sense of purpose, seeking something that feels morally sound.

Leo horoscope for February 21 - 27

The most recent Mercury retrograde (from January 14 to February 3) taught you about how to communicate with others. Mercury is still moving through those retrograde degrees, finding you to communicating your goals and needs again—with more wisdom. Look out for outbursts or sudden changes to the conversations as messenger Mercury clashes with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected. It’s not the first time this has been addressed! The first time was on January 13, when Mercury first went retrograde. Anything that feels too heavy or stagnant will need to be approached thoughtfully. There is a lot of buzz, and these conversations can lead to you and others trying something innovative and exciting, even if it’s outside of the comfort zone.


Virgo horoscope for February 21 - 27

Action planet Mars and Venus, the planet of love, gently connect with dreamy Neptune, which could add some mystique—or confusion—to your love life and relationships. Everything hinges on your understanding of what you desire. You are chasing after something that is idealistic, but all beautiful and romantic things are. Your experience of love is more fantastical now. Your planetary ruler Mercury clashes with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, which can find you changing your mind or switching your schedule. Think back to January 13, when Mercury first clashed with Uranus; you get another shot at setting your mind free now. It doesn’t matter if you look weird.

Libra horoscope for February 21 - 27

A new cycle in how you invest in your relationships began last week as your planetary ruler Venus met with action planet Mars. These Venusian desires and Martian urges took shape in your home and family life, which is getting a lot of beautiful and passionate attention. There can be questions about how your partners fit into your private, domestic world, or how family dynamics have subconsciously impacted your relationships. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, gently connects with dreamy Neptune, adding an element of otherworldliness to your aura. This is glam! All great love stories require an element of fantasy, and you can use these planetary energies to play into something universal or unreal.


Scorpio horoscope for February 21 - 27

Your planetary ruler Mars is still next to love planet Venus in the sky: Since last week, there are passionate, new topics on your mind concerning how other people play into your everyday life. You’re working out how to ask for what you want. There are new ways of how you choose to communicate your affection and loyalty. (This could also affect relationships at work and with siblings.) Mars and Venus gently connect with dreamy Neptune, helping you dispel any hostility with ease. Other people are asking you for freedom and you need to do something to respond as rebellious Uranus clashes with messenger Mercury. This conversation also took place on January 13, when the two planets first squared off.

Sagittarius horoscope for February 21 - 27

A new cycle dealing with your objectives and goals at work and your classic, fiery lust for life began last week when action planet Mars met with sweet Venus. These two planets are still together in the sky, asking how you’re going to fund all of these big dreams. It doesn’t seem to matter as long as you’re having fun and expressing yourself! Venus and Mars gently connect with Neptune, the planet of transcendence, which could dispel heat or momentum by glossing over anything that is unsightly or aggravating. The vision comes first, and the funding will follow, but it would still be wise to exercise a little caution to feel secure. This can be a moment of healing, prayer, or forgiveness.


Capricorn horoscope for February 21 - 27

Last week love planet Venus and action planet Mars met in your sign, beginning a new cycle in the role you play in your creative legacy and family goals. Venus and Mars are still together in your sign, Capricorn, stirring up passions…the heat is on! You might be wondering what value lies in what you do. You are willing to fight for what you want, just be sure you’re not getting confused along the way. The two planets connect with dreamy Neptune, the planet of illusions, which could blur lines. Your imagination should be a tool that helps you listen and connect, not something that distracts you from your aims!

Aquarius horoscope for February 21 - 27

Mercury, the planet of communication, is in your sign once again. This most recent Mercury retrograde taught you how to express yourself with authenticity, and maybe even how your brilliant, cutting edge ideas can make other people rich. Conversations seem to be repeating themselves, but this week is the last time you’re going to say it! Mercury clashes with Uranus, the planet of rebellion, repeating unconventional conversations from January 13, which was the last time this alignment occurred. Your mind can easily be working overtime. Be mindful of your bedtime and caffeine intake. You might say things that are unorthodox or difficult for other people to swallow, but at least it’s true to how you think, and not compromising your precious beliefs.

Pisces horoscope for February 21 - 27

Try to remain both optimistic and objective about your goals. With Venus, the planet of values, and action planet Mars together in your chart’s house of hopes and dreams, you’re at the beginning of a new cycle concerning how you approach your future. You have a lot of determination to get what you want. Things are fresh and exciting, and there’s money to be made! These two planets connect with with Neptune, your modern planetary ruler, which can make you more sensitive to the hustle. Remember to pace yourself so that you’re not taking on too much at once. You can also drum up a lot of brilliant, fresh ideas and envision a beautiful new space for yourself. It could feel like anything is possible.

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