This story is over 5 years old.


SSS Are Playing in London this Saturday

We can't promise you Thrash Musical Chairs, but I guess you never know.

That up there is a video of Liverpool thrashers SSS accompanying the late Frank Sidebottom and a gang of children in a game of Thrash Musical Chairs. It's a video so funny that we were prepared to go on MySpace to find it. In return, we ask nothing but the promise that you'll consider heading down to the newly-refurbished Shacklewell Arms in East London this Saturday night to watch SSS, Blasted and Kemakil play live.


The night runs from 8PM till 11PM, and there's a "free metal party" afterwards. I'm not sure what one of those would consist of, but I imagine it'll go on till pretty late.

Tickets are £5 in advance. Find them here, or enter this competition to win a pair:

Question: What does SSS stand for?

Send your answers to Good luck.