This story is over 5 years old.


Video Premiere: Ice Cream Cathedral x Sekuoia - "Amber Sail"

A must hear if you like music.

There’s been plenty of memorable partnerships throughout history. Thelma and Louise, Brad and Angelina, Bush and Cheney. But none have been such a naturally perfect fit as Ice Cream Cathedral and Sekuoia. Obviously, the Jay-Z/Linkin Park collaboration is a close second.

The electronic mutterings of Copenhagen based Sekuoia blend perfectly with the lofty prophecies exhaled by Ice Cream Cathedral lead singer Anja T. Lahrmann. This makes the rendition of “Amber Sail” equal parts digital and organic, uplifting and depressing. It's the kind of song Ayn Rand might have listened to, soaking away in the tub. We're not sure whether it’s their shared bond of genre defying aspirations, that allow the two bands to mix with such ease, or if it’s just that they’re all thoroughly good at what they do. Either way, we’re hoping to see much more of it.

The musicians have teamed up for a mini tour, hitting Århus and Copenhagen this weekend. Both bands will be playing full length sets at the respective venues, but judging from their collaboration on "Amber Sail", concert goers might just be graced with a few original mixes as well.

Catch Ice Cream Cathedral and Sekuoia at Radar 31/10 and at Lille Vega 01/11.