This story is over 5 years old.


OKAT & Jah Highness' New Track “Spit it Out” Will Put You in a Dope State of Mind

The Danish musician serves up some rough reggae/ska beats for your payday pimp walk to the ATM.

It’s Friday y’all, and that means there are all kinds of reasons you need some proper grooves to blast (but not you, Rebecca Black. Never you.) Luckily, Copenhagen-based singer OKAT’s got you covered with her latest track, "Spit It Out"—a collaboration with producer Jah Highness of Dub Manza and Most High Warriah Sound System. It's a rugged, thumping and hypnotically rhythmic reggae/ska groove which Jah Highness produced at legendary Bolsjefabrikken (“The Candy Factory”).

The raw video by Troels Rasmus Jensen and Anders Giversen features some badass fighter girls getting their pugilism on. This is thrown on top of OKAT’s comfortably catchy lyrics and deep bassline, which means there are really two things you could do with this: a) immerse yourself in a brutal, tough-love story of inner struggles and breaking free, or b) slap these sweet beats in your headphones and steadily bob your head as you pimp walk to the ATM to get at a fat slice of that fresh, new paycheck.

I totally just did that, btw.

Don’t miss the release party as OKAT and her posse are taking over RubA’Dub Sundays this Sunday, January 31st. OKAT is bringing a huge line-up of local reggae and dancehall DJ’s, and there are rumors of free drinks for the early birds…