This story is over 5 years old.


Watch Pharrell Get All Happy and Stuff at Roskilde Festival

Even if you're sick of this song by now, you'll probably get a kick out of watching this. Thanks, RF.

Love him, hate him, make fun of him, doesn't matter: you can't deny that Pharrell's got some serious pull. Especially after releasing the syrupy-sweet single "Happy", it seems like we can't stop hearing his voice telling us to BE HAPPY ALL THE TIME every time we walk into a Fakta. So, why would you want to put yourself through MORE of that sickly sweetness? Because this is Pharrell singing "Happy" at Roskilde, which means you can forgive the actual song because it's Roskilde, which means you'll get the vibe of Roskilde by watching this, which means you're likely to actually enjoy watching this. Thanks, Roskilde, for capturing this "happy" moment (yay, puns). Enjoy.
