This story is over 5 years old.


God Damn Take the Phrase "Dead To Me" To A New Deathly Level On Their Latest Video

Champions of taking things literally.

Wolverhampton's God Damn have taken the phrase "Dead To Me" to another level on the video for their latest single of the same name. Essentially the premise is this: the two band members, Thom and Ash, hang out for the day. They play football, they go shopping in Tescos, go out for a nice meal together. It's all nice and pretty and loveable - except for the fact that throughout the clip Thom is 100% dead. Watch below:


Check God Damn out on the dates below: Mon 26-Oct Brighton, Green Door Store (with Radkey)
Tue 27-Oct Bristol, Exchange (with Radkey)
Fri 30-Oct Nottingham, Bodega (with Radkey)
Sat 31-Oct Leicester, The Cookie
Mon 02-Nov Glasgow, King Tuts (with Radkey)
Tue 03-Nov Newcastle, Academy 2 (with Radkey)
Thu 05-Nov London, The Dome (with Radkey)