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Check Out The Video For "Chin," Sleep Party People's New Single

It's basically Black Swan in space.

is the brainchild of the Danish ambient musician Brian Batz—his music is reminiscent of those hazy moments when you don’t know if you’re awake or totally passed out. If the moon had a beach, this is the type of music creative-type astronauts would be listening to while wearing weird bunny-faced space suits and drinking space hooch.

After Sleep Party People’s self-titled debut dropped, Batz recruited four other members, forming what is now a five-piece electro dream-pop powerhouse. Their newest album, We Were Drifting On A Sad Song, was released April 10th. It is full of SPP’s trademark ambience, a collection of celestial beats, sometimes-eerie synths, and ethereal vocals.

We just got their new video “Chin,” a single off We Were Drifting On A Sad Song. It’s a bit more active than some of their other songs, with a heavier drum beat, supported by electronically edited vocals, and a space ballerina. The video was put together by Danish video team,—you can stream and download the track below.