This story is over 5 years old.


Air Conditioning Slays: A Timeline

About this time last year, during a similar heat-wave (95 degrees, about 70-percent humidity), I took all of my jeans and sweatshirts, soaked them in water, and put them in the freezer overnight. At which point I took them out and hung them on hangers...

About this time last year, during a similar heat-wave (95 degrees, about 70-percent humidity), I took all of my jeans and sweatshirts, soaked them in water, and put them in the freezer overnight. In the morning I took them out and hung them on hangers in front of the box fan whose presence I hadn’t left in days. I sat their for 15 minutes as water dripped faster and faster onto the floor, said fuck it, and walked down to an air conditioned bar.


The ancient Egyptians had no such luxury. Neither did the Persians. Both of which had much better schemes for DIY A/C than I could dream up. In tribute to all of the brilliant minds that led up to my current state of air conditioned bliss, I give you this timeline of great moments in air conditioning, along with some kinda stupid ones to keep things entertaining.

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